AFRY Management Consulting Bioindustry Webinars
22 June 2021
AFRY Smart bioindustry insight - The evolving demand for recovered paper in China
In this webinar our hosts Kalle Turkkila, Minna Luukka and David Powlson of AFRY Management Consulting will discuss the evolving demand for recovered paper in China as well as the digital AFRY Smart platform and its potential to support leaders in Bioindustry.
30 March 2021
AFRY Smart bioindustry insights – World Paper Markets up to 2035
In this webinar our hosts Jani Kaskinen, Minna Luukka and Christoph Euringer of AFRY Management Consulting will discuss the digital AFRY Smart platform and its potential to support leaders in Bioindustry as well as share viewpoints from AFRY Long-term Outlook - World Paper Markets up to 2035 report.
Smart Forestry webinars
20 January 2021
AFRY x Simosol: Smart Forestry webinar Part I - Smart Forestry
Jani Kaskinen of AFRY Management Consulting and Jussi Rasinmäki of Simosol share the big picture across drivers and technologies that enable advanced forest asset management.
10 February 2021
AFRY x Simosol: Smart Forestry webinar Part II - Digital Inventory
Jani Kaskinen of AFRY Management Consulting and Jussi Rasinmäki of Simosol will focus on digital inventory of forest. What are the key-benefits and what is possible with the latest technology.
11 March 2021
AFRY x Simosol: Smart Forestry webinar Part III - Simulation and Optimistion with Tree-level Data
In the third webinar our hosts Jani Kaskinen of AFRY Management Consulting and Jussi Rasinmäki of Simosol are accompanied by Dr Antti Mäkinen. This time topic is advanced simulation and optimization solutions with tree-level data for forestry planning.
14 April 2021
AFRY x Simosol: Smart Forestry Part IV - Wood Supply Chain
In this webinar we will demonstrate how to track machinery with IoT and how to add value to the captured data. This includes building a feedback loop to improve machine and operator performance and optimising work schedules to minimise operational costs.
20 May 2021
AFRY x Simosol: Smart Forestry Part V – Incorporating multiple objectives and value matrices
This time we will focus on multi-objective forest management planning. Incorporating carbon, biodiversity, and e.g. recreational values is necessary to ensure sustainability, but they can also provide business opportunities as new market mechanisms arise.