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Renewable energy in Southeast Asia: unlocking opportunities in a world on lockdown

Despite heavy historical reliance on coal, Southeast Asia is in the middle of a transition to renewable energy.

The countries in the region feature a variety of regulatory regimes, power market structures, resources (both renewable and conventional), local priorities, and risks.

But as one of the fastest-growing regions in the world, the overall outlook for renewables is undeniably bright – if you know where to look.

In a webinar on Thursday 16th April, we explored the current opportunities and challenges for renewable energy in the Southeast Asia region, and considered known or anticipated support/procurement programs, comparative economics, and regulatory and contractual considerations. We also had an overview of the key risks to consider in transactions.

The recording and slide pack are available below.

Matthew Heling - 东南亚区负责人,AFRY管理咨询

Matthew Heling

Head of Management Consulting - Energy, Asia Pacific

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